
From perspectives on energy issues to energy efficiency tips, 阅读明尼苏达州电力合作社的最新消息.


by | 2024年7月1日 | 宣传 | 0评论

The 2024 legislative session adjourned in complete chaos at midnight on Sunday, May 19. 民主党人, 谁控制着众议院, 参议院和州长办公室, rushed to pass their legislative agenda before the constitutional deadline over Republican objections.

合作社成员-业主, the session was mostly a success with no new costly mandates, the passage of a bipartisan permitting reform bill and an expansion of scholarship eligibility for students interested in an energy career. 尽管如此, the inability of the legislature to agree on a tax bill that includes common sense property tax relief for cooperative member-owners remains a disappointment.

The 明尼苏达州能源基础设施许可法案 was a bipartisan clean energy permitting reform package that incorporated various ideas with widespread support from energy stakeholders. The package will make the electric sector permitting faster and more cost-effective. 该法案是许多利益相关者的优先事项, 尤其是清洁能源倡导者, who consider permitting reform critical to building the wind and solar generation and transmission infrastructure needed to achieve carbon-free by 2040. The legislation should help save member-owners money while accelerating the construction of necessary infrastructure to improve reliability during the transition to cleaner energy.

One of the top priorities of the Minnesota Rural Electric Association (beat365中文官方网站), the statewide association representing electric cooperative member-owners, was ensuring no new mandates were imposed on electric cooperatives this session. 几张钞票, 包括分布式发电任务, interconnection mandates and a cooperative governance mandate, 是去年引进的还是结转的. 然而, none of these bills moved forward or passed thanks in part to beat365中文官方网站’s work and the work of member-owners advocating for their cooperatives. 合作社由其服务的成员管理, and heavy-handed government mandates only work to raise costs, undermine local democracy and add layers of unhelpful bureaucracy. We are grateful to legislators in both parties who stood up and said “no” to additional mandates.

beat365中文官方网站’s proposal to add “energy” to the list of industries eligible for workforce development scholarships at Minnesota state colleges and universities passed as part of the final Higher Education bill and could mean more aid to students looking to join our industry.

The Workforce Development Scholarship Program provides aid of $2,每学年500美元,250 per semester) for students enrolled in programs in nine select industries and is now available to those in lineworker education. This program is available at all Minnesota state schools but is geared toward full-time, 两年制副学士课程. It is especially valuable to students because it has more expansive uses than other forms of financial aid, is provided in addition to other scholarship and grant opportunities and does not have an income limit. Because other types of state aid go only to low-income students and max out before paying for the full cost of attendance, this scholarship can often close the gap between a student’s full cost and other aid.

Cooperatives can now work with their local Minnesota state schools to set up a matching scholarship for students who choose to study an energy-related field. The law sets aside 10% of the funding for this program every year to increase awards at colleges that successfully develop local business partnerships and receive matching scholarship dollars from those businesses. This program is a great opportunity to develop our future workforce while helping local students afford college.

beat365中文官方网站’s bipartisan property tax clarification bill did not pass, as no final tax bill was agreed upon before the closing moments of the session when a monster omnibus bill was pieced together. The provision was a priority in Governor Walz’s supplemental budget as well as the House and Senate Omnibus Tax bills and faced no opposition. The bill would have provided property tax relief to cooperatives by clarifying existing property tax law. The bill remains a priority for cooperatives across the state and will hopefully pass next session. 与此同时, the beat365中文官方网站 is working with the Minnesota Department of Revenue to help alleviate the problem until a permanent solution is signed into law.

尽管面临挑战和最后一刻的混乱, the 2024 legislative session brought several positive outcomes for Minnesota’s electric cooperative member-owners. 关键的许可改革的通过, the prevention of new costly mandates and the expansion of workforce development scholarships are significant wins. 然而, the lack of progress on property tax relief remains a key issue that we will continue to address in future sessions. 还有明尼苏达农村电力协会
合作社成员, remains committed to advocating for policies that support the affordability, 我们能源基础设施的可靠性和可持续性. 随着我们的发展, we will keep working tirelessly to ensure that the voices of cooperative members are heard and their needs met.